Art Direction

From time to time, I will take on art direction and general consulting projects if the client is a good match. Below are some examples of recent work. If you're interested in discussing such work, contact me.


Case Study: Ladybird Styling

Ladybird Styling, a Kansas City based personal styling startup, needed everything: logo design, art direction, branding guidelines, staff and product photography, and content for social media. The client went on to receive repeated positive press on Design Sponge, and in the Kansas City Star and Ink Magazine.

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Case Study: Pop-Tarts Street

In exploring how I could reposition the product for a more irreverent youth crowd, the solution was hidden in plain sight: let people do what they want. Take "breakfast" out of the kitchen (and the toaster) and into people's lives. Renowned photographer Joel Barhamand found real people on the street who embodied different Pop-Tarts flavors, they did the rest.

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Case Study: Pop-Tarts Tart-Con

As one of several directions offered to the client, Tart-Con is a (as yet) fictional convention I created to promote and serve the passionate international community of Pop-Tarts enthusiasts. A cross between Legoland and ComicCon. This ad campaign chooses four convention participants to follow in a run-and-gun mockumentary style. Sets needed everything—from exotic location scouting to "historic" printed posters and ephemera to a modern-day website for the convention. See the videos.


What about you?

Whether your brand is still forming or has wandered into the weeds, I can help you tell a cohesive story. From doing the whole damn thing to offering a few hours of consulting. Be in touch.